Meet Dr. Uju Anya
Dr. Uju Anya is a university professor and researcher in applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies primarily examining race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in new language learning through the experiences of African American students. Her other areas of inquiry include applied linguistics as a practice of social justice and translanguaging in world language pedagogy. She currently teaches and conducts research as associate professor of second language acquisition at the Carnegie Mellon University Department of Modern Languages.

Winner of the 2019 AAAL First Book Award
“And the problem is the underrepresentation of African Americans as students, as instructors, as researchers, and a principal study populations in the field of world languages.”
“What do theory and research tell us about learning additional languages? What do TESOL candidates need to take into consideration when teaching languages online?”
“We should challenge monolingual bias and linguistic purism that marginalizes and harms students for speaking what we consider mixed or contaminated language. This way, teachers can reject the role of arbiters (police) of language and embrace who we are: the facilitators of cultural and linguistic diversity.”