Active and Engaging
Multilingual Presence on Twitter @UjuAnya

Critical Race Theory Thread

Explainer thread on critical race theory (CRT) quoted by thousands on Twitter and across other social media platforms who said it helped them finally understand CRT, since it was presented in accessible language with real world examples.

Anastácia Thread

History and significance of Anastácia, enslaved Black Brazilian woman in iron face torture device whose image a white U.S. woman used in anti-mask protest with a sign about muzzled dogs and slaves.

Systemic Racism in Brazil Thread

Structural and systemic racism in Brazil (thread in Portuguese with video and pictures).

#LockdownLanguageChat Thread

After my polyglot challenge video went viral, many people observing stay home directives to curb the spread of COVID-19 messaged me asking for ideas for learning new languages during “lockdown.” So, I began the #LockdownLanguageChat hashtag for people to connect with others on Twitter and find language speaking partners for reciprocal conversation exchange and friendship.

Anti-Black Racism in Language Education Tweet

Anti-Black racism and systemic exclusion of African Americans from language education.

Anti-Blackness in Spanish Textbooks Thread

Color-evasiveness and anti-Blackness in Spanish language textbooks.

136 Brazilian Words for Skin Color Tweet

Racism/colorism in Brazil and the 136 different words for skin color reported when the national census allowed Brazilians self-identification outside provided categories.

African Art Thread

On African art as a record of intellectual tradition of abstract philosophical thought