“About the Book Editing Process”

Video for the American Association for Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Council discussing research and book editing.

Active and Engaging
Multilingual Presence on Twitter @UjuAnya

Polyglot Challenge


Anastácia Thread

History and significance of Anastácia, enslaved Black Brazilian woman in iron face torture device whose image a white U.S. woman used in anti-mask protest with a sign about muzzled dogs and slaves.

Anti-Blackness in Spanish Textbooks Thread

Color-evasiveness and anti-Blackness in Spanish language textbooks.


Policing Langauge

Chasing Encounters Podcast Season 4, Episode 3, featuring Dr. Uju Anya. Topic: How monolingual bias, elitism, and overzealous purism in language teaching marginalizes students who are perceived as speaking "contaminated" language and non-prestige varieties.